1. |
Every activity related to academics, class work, home work, and project work are
marked or graded and is considered to determine promotion. |
2. |
Every child has to submit an authentic certificate to support the leave requested
during Unit tests or examination for consideration. |
3. |
The submission of leave application and authentic certificate will help to determine
the type of leave to be granted, such as, urgent leave (UL) or medical leave (ML).
Note that no test or examination will be conducted beyond the date and time for
the student even after submission of the above testimonials. |
4. |
A student who avails of ML or UL during an Examination or Unit Test shall not be
awarded any rank. |
5. |
Every student is given a report card wherein the child’s performance in the
Unit Tests and examination are recorded. Parents have to collect the report cards
on dates specified, and return them duly signed on date specified. A fine of Rs.
100/- will be imposed for a damage caused or loss of the report card for a duplicate
report card. |
6. |
Every child appears for the Unit Tests and Terminal Examinations which carry 20/80
marks. The Scheme for Test/ Examination is given to the students 15 days in advance.
This ensures the regularity the student has to maintain. |
7. |
The decision of the School Authority pertaining to promotion is final. |